Intentional life,  Self-care

Digital Minimalism Tips For Beginners: 6 Simple Steps To More Fulfilling Life

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Technology is everywhere around us. It’s supposed to make our lives easier, simpler, more comfortable, and to some extent, it does help us.

We can access information easier than ever before, save time, and be more productive. Live longer. Work remotely and stay in touch with people living far away from us.

It all sounds amazing, but everything comes at a price. And in this case, the price can be very high.

Spread of misinformation. Constantly feeling overwhelmed and being unable to stay present in the moment. Having difficulty focusing, feeling depressed, and anxious. Loneliness. Being addicted to our phones. FOMO fuelling said addiction. No real-life hobbies and friends. The list goes on and on.

Smartphones are practically extensions of ourselves, notifications buzzing all the time, demanding our attention. The pressure to stay connected, informed, and entertained online can be overwhelming.

But what if there’s another way? What if you could reclaim your free time, improve your sleep and mental wellbeing, and feel at peace?


It sounds crazy and almost impossible, doesn’t it?

I thought so too. And, I have to admit; it felt impossible for a very long time until one day I suddenly had to go cold turkey on my daughter’s screen time as her behaviour was getting worse with each day that she spend watching cartoons.

I knew I can’t watch movies or scroll through social media if I wanted her to stop asking for a tablet. This prompted me to dive deeper into digital minimalism: a philosophy that encourages us to use technology intentionally, focusing on what serves us, and letting go of the rest.

Just imagine a life where your phone doesn’t dictate your schedule, but you decide consciously when to use it and for what purpose, freeing up time and mental space for what truly matters.

Digital Minimalism Tips For Beginners: Understanding Digital Minimalism

Digital minimalism isn’t going cold turkey on technology, although digital detox can be useful in regaining control over your habits and breaking the addiction. It’s also not about reducing screen time.

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Just as minimalism focuses on embracing quality over quantity, digital minimalism is about using technology intentionally to enhance our lives. It’s all about being mindful of how we engage with our devices and eliminating non-essential distractions that don’t add any value to our lives.

Ask yourself what role technology plays in your life. What parts of it make you feel overwhelmed, triggered, or anxious? What brings you joy? How often do you pick up your phone, check notifications, and open social media apps? How often do you use your phone and how does it affect you?

These questions can help you pinpoint what changes you need to make to create a more intentional, simpler digital environment.

What does it look like in real life, though?

Everyone has an email inbox and a YouTube account. I’m pretty sure of it. But most of us cannot maintain a list of subscriptions or keep their inboxes organised.

Me included.

Yesterday, though, I got fed up with thousands of emails sitting in my inbox.

I went through and unsubscribed from those who weren’t relevant or sent emails too often. I cleared as much as I could and started organising what left.

Decluttering my YouTube account was much harder – I don’t remember the last time I did that. Hundreds of accounts to go through, decide which one to keep, and which ones to let go… Now, after the initial purge, I subscribe to around 60 accounts – down from over 150.

My page looks so much better, no longer filled with 99% of content I’m not interested in anymore. My goal is to cut this list even further to minimise the distractions and urge to binge-watching.

Unhook web extension is amazing for minimising distractions on YouTube, btw!

Digital Minimalism Tips For Beginners: Benefits Of Digital Minimalism

Embracing digital minimalism offers a multitude of benefits.

Less digital noise translates into improved mental well-being and reduced stress and anxiety. With fewer distractions, your focus and creativity flourish. The same goes for productivity, so you might notice that daily chores take less time than before, making more space for other activities.

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Most importantly, digital minimalism can nurture your relationships. Imagine truly present, engaged moments with your loved ones, free from the constant buzz of technology. Playing with kids and not being bored or distracted so easily. Going outside more frequently than before.

It’s a recipe for a more fulfilling life, wouldn’t you agree?

Digital Minimalism Tips For Beginners: 6 Simple Steps To More Fulfilling Life

This year, I’m on a mission to simplify my life, including digital parts of it. I created this challenge to give myself one more push towards embracing digital minimalism because let’s face it, digital clutter can be a major drain. It fuels anxiety, steals our focus, and leaves us feeling behind.

By decluttering our digital world, we can free up mental space and reclaim a sense of calm.

Ready to give it a try? Here’s a simple digital minimalism challenge designed with busy moms in mind.

Step 1: Identify Your Values and Goals

Before diving in, take a step back. What are your top priorities? Is it spending quality time with your kids? Pursuing a creative passion? Identifying your core values and goals will guide your digital decluttering journey.

Without knowing them, you won’t know which direction you’re going, how much progress you’ve made, and what adjustments you still need to do to.

Identifying your values and goals can be scary, I know that! But it’s so, so helpful.

Step 2: Declutter your digital space

Time to take inventory!

Conduct a digital audit of your phone, computer, and tablets.

Identify unused apps, unsubscribe from unnecessary emails, cancel subscriptions you no longer need, and silence notifications that don’t serve you.

Be honest – are they serving you or just adding noise?

Step 3: Set boundaries

Establish clear limits on how much time you spend on your devices and what activities dominate your online presence.

Schedule dedicated times for checking email and social media, and stick to them.

Step 4: Quality over Quantity

Be mindful of the content you consume online. Remember: your attention is an incredibly expensive currency online. Choose information sources and apps that are truly valuable and enriching.

Ask yourself: Does this add value to my life?

Step 5: Unplug and Play

Rediscover the joys of offline activities. Read a book, take a walk in nature, or spend time on a hobby.

These activities can spark creativity, reduce stress, and foster genuine connection. Knitting quickly became my favourite thing to do – I can spend hours on it.

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Admit it, when was the last time you played a board game or went outside without your earphones?

Step 6: Create tech-free zones

Designate specific zones in your home, like bedrooms or the dinner table, as technology-free sanctuaries. It can be a tough change, but it’s worth it.

Practice mindful eating and swap screen time for reading a book in the evening. Your body will thank you.

Digital Minimalism Hacks for Busy Moms

  • Batch your social media: If you’re a content creator, schedule posts in advance and limit check-ins to specific times of the day. And turn off those pesky notifications!
  • Technology for good: Leverage apps that can actually help you, like productivity tools or online learning resources.
  • Create designated charging zones: Keep phones and tablets out of bedrooms and family areas. I’m unable to keep my phone outside my bedroom at night as anxiety takes a hold of me, but I don’t keep it anywhere near my bed either.
  • Explore screen-free alternatives like reading books, playing board games, and other hobbies – anything that sparks creativity and connection. Make a list of activity ideas you can refer to throughout the day anytime you feel the urge to use your phone for mindless scrolling.


Digital Minimalism Tips For Beginners: Conquering Challenges

Adopting digital minimalism won’t be easy. You’re likely to experience FOMO (fear of missing out) when you disconnect from the online world.

It might tempt you to just pop back to Instagram for a second to check on your favourite influencers. I’ve experienced it, too, alongside other withdrawal symptoms like heightened stress and anxiety, increased boredom, and significant shifts in mood.

To combat this, make a list of things you can do and see, especially during the initial days. This will help you shift your focus from your phone to living your life and experiencing new things without constant distractions.

Spend quality time with your loved ones and create new memories together.

Share your journey with friends and family who understand your alternative approach.

Remember, the goal isn’t complete avoidance, but a balanced relationship with technology. Don’t let fear hold you back from experimenting and finding what works best for you.

Last Words For Digital Minimalism Tips For Beginners

Technology has become an undeniable force in our lives. While it offers convenience and connection, it can also lead to constant distraction, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed.

That’s where digital minimalism comes in. It offers a path to a more mindful, intentional, and more fulfilling life. By taking control of your technology, you can free up precious time and mental space to focus on what truly matters.

Start small, be patient, and let the journey of digital minimalism begin! Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to create a more balanced and fulfilling digital life together.

Till the next time,

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