11 Autumn Self-Care Ideas for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression
Autumn is without a doubt my favourite time of the year. Leaves change their colour to beautiful hues of red and orange, the air turns crisp, and evenings become longer, making this time so, so cosy. But it all comes…
3 Steps To Create A Monthly Reset Routine That Will Finally Stick
Why do I need a monthly reset routine? This is something I asked myself over and over again. I tried to create a solid monthly routine and stick to it but nothing came out of it. You know, me and…
Evening Routine Ideas: 7 Easy Changes for a Happier, Healthier You (Starting Tonight!)
For a very long time, I believed I didn’t have any routines. That’s crazy, I know! I’m not sure why it never occurred to me that you don’t need to create routines intentionally to have them incorporated into your day.…
25 Cosy Winter Self Care Ideas For You To Try This Year
Winter. The most wet and dark time of the year – at least from the weather point of view. It’s also the most festive season, with Christmas being just around a corner, and the cosiest one if you play it…
What Failed Social Media Detox Taught Me: Setting Social Media Boundaries Is Important
On Sunday, I tried to go for a 7 day social media detox once again. If you’re a reader of my blog, you might remember my last year’s attempt, which was quite successful, to be frank. This time, though, I…
12 Days Of Christmas Self Care: A Guide For Ultimate Happiness And Well-being
Just 12 days left until Christmas. Can you believe it?! Everyone is in the midst of Christmas preparation, so no wonder no one has any time for themselves. There are tens of things to do on top of our regular…
25 Amazing Self-Care Weekend Ideas to Recharge Your Mind, Body, and Life
You wake up, go to work, take care of your kids, watch Netflix, and fall asleep tired as f^ck, even though you spend the entire evening relaxing on the couch. Days go by and your routine stays the same. Then…