11 Powerful Ways To How To Be More Intentional In Life
We are busy, often overwhelmed with all the things we have to do. But there’s another way to live a life, one that makes you feel fulfilled every single day. Even if people realise that, they don’t know how to…
25 Amazing Self-Care Weekend Ideas to Recharge Your Mind, Body, and Life
You wake up, go to work, take care of your kids, watch Netflix, and fall asleep tired as f^ck, even though you spend the entire evening relaxing on the couch. Days go by and your routine stays the same. Then…
Mid Year Reset: How To Do A Life Reset In 5 Steps And Have The Best Rest Of The Year Ever
Can you believe we’re already halfway through the year? That’s crazy! I remember sitting in my bedroom, planning the year, and setting goals as if it’d happened just yesterday. Goals… yeah. Do you remember yours? I don’t. Every year I…